
A.Maths - Applications of Definite Integrals





http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2462785780103642988LZXOen L: 8x - 8 is the tangent to the curve y = 2x^2 at the point (2,8). Find the area of the region bounded in the first quadrant by the curve y = 2x^2, the line L and the x-axis. ans. 4/3 更新: I'm sorry. Would you mind do the integrate w.r.t. x for me? I can't get the right answer. Thank you very much!


Explanation as follows: 圖片參考:http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff245/chocolate328154/Maths566.jpg?t=1228403522 2008-12-04 23:28:51 補充: 本人是全職公文式數學導師, 希望本人的解答幫到各下解決”數學”疑難, 請投本人一票, 謝謝 !! -----> 這是雞尾包嗎? 2008-12-04 23:30:37 補充: In the above, I integrate w.r.t. y, but it is alright to integrate w.r.t. x, as long as you can arrive at the answer. 2008-12-05 16:12:32 補充: Plx press reload to view the alternative.


唉.... 做慢左又「抄考」雞尾包的手法, 仲要係身為「全職公文式數學導師」, 真正的數學導師走去拉票,好奇怪....|||||The required area = Integrate ( from 0 to 2) (2x^2) dx - [ 1/2 ( 2-1)(8) ] ..........................= 2 Integrate ( from 0 to 2) (x^2) dx - 4 ..........................= 2 [ x^3 / 3 ] ( from 0 to 2) - 4 ..........................= 2 [ 2^3 / 3 - 0^3 / 3 ] -4 ..........................= 16/3 - 12/3 ..........................= 4/3 square units

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