可以怎樣知道兩者之間的分別? 茶餐廳食西多士比個d係咩? 超市買個d會唔會係假蜜糖?
both of them are difference in price, texture and taste. Honey : more expensive, more sticky and have the taste of flower. Syrup : cheaper, liquid form and only have the taste of sweet. 茶餐廳would like to give the syrup, the price is the cheapest. when u buy the honey from supermarket, you have to see the nutrient table, choose the one 100% natural honey is the best, and of cos it is the most expensive. syrup normally is from corn, it is the most worst sugar for our body. some merchandise like to add syrup into the honey, so be careful. some health magazine said the best best sweet is from maple syrup, 100% real maple syrup. you can find in supermarket too, but the price is so expensive.