雞蛋的結構? 英語回答!
蛋,又名雞卵、雞子,是母雞所產的卵,其外有一層硬殼,內則有氣室、卵白及卵黃部分,它富含各類營養,是人類常食用的食品之一。 [The editor ] The egg is constructed The egg can be divided into three parts mainly: Eggshell , albumen and yolk · (1) Eggshell: 1.完整的蛋殼呈橢圓形,約占全蛋體積的11%~11.5%。The eggshell can be divided the cover, angry room under the membrane , shell at the shell into also 2.Membrane on the shell: Namely outside the eggshell, one layer is opaque and having no membrane of structure; Function is to prevent water of the egg product from being sent and evaporated. 3.The shell puts covers: The membrane inside the eggshell, amounts to two layers; The air can pass this membrane freely . Angry room: Two layers of shells put the space during covers; If lose the moisture in the egg, the angry room will increase constantly . · (2) Albumen : ·Albumen skin half gluey material that flow inside under the shell, volume account for the whole 57% albumen - 58.5% of egg. 蛋白中約含蛋白質12%,主要是卵白蛋白。蛋白中還含有一定量的核黃素、尼克酸、生物素和鈣、磷、鐵等物質。 1.The albumen divides the thick albumen , the rare albumen again. 2.Thick albumen : Some albumens close to yolk, the thickness is relatively high. Rare albumen : Some albumens close to eggshell, the thickness is relatively rare. · (3) Yolk: The yolk is occupied in the middle of the albumen more, is brought dangerously at the two poles. 蛋黃體積約全蛋的30%~32%,主要組成物質為卵黃磷蛋白,另外脂肪含量為28.2%,脂肪多屬於磷脂類中一的卵磷脂。對人類的營養方面,蛋黃含有豐富的維生素A和維生素D,且含有較高的鐵、磷、硫和鈣等礦物質。The yolk has ovules inside. Ovule: A white point on the yolk surface, fertilized the diameter of ovule of the egg about 3 mm. , ovule of the unfertilized egg is smaller.
The egg is a biological structure intended by nature for reproduction. It protects and provides a complete diet for the developing embryo, and serves as the principal source of food for the first few days of the chick's life. The egg is also one of the most nutritious and versatile of human foods. When the egg is freshly laid, the shell is completely filled. The air cell is formed by contraction of the contents during cooling and by the loss of moisture. A high-quality egg has only a small air cell. The yolk is well-centered in the albumen and is surrounded by the vitelline membrane, which is colorless. The germinal disc, where fertilization takes place, is attached to the yolk. On opposite sides of the yolk are two, twisted, whitish cord-like objects known as chalazae. Their function is to support the yolk in the center of the albumen. Chalazae may vary in size and density, but do not affect either cooking performance or nutritional value. A large portion of the albumen is thick. Surrounding the albumen are two shell membranes and the shell itself. The shell contains several thousand pores that permit the egg to "breathe." Composition An average-sized egg weighs approximately 57 grams (about 2 ounces). Of this weight, the shell constitutes 11 percent; the white, 58 percent; and the yolk, 31 percent. Normally, these proportions do not vary appreciably for small or large eggs. The percentage composition of the edible portions is: Percent Water Protein Fat Ash Whole egg 74 13 11 1 White 88 11 .. .. Yolk 48 17 33 1 Essential nutrients Eggs are especially valuable as a source of protein. In fact, egg protein is used as the standard against which the quality of other food proteins is measured. One egg contains about 6 to 7 grams of protein. People of all ages need adequate protein for building and repairing body tissues. The fat in the yolk is so finely emulsified that it is digested easily, even by infants. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fats is about 2 to 1. This is considered very desirable. Oleic acid is the main unsaturated fat. It has no effect on blood cholesterol. Eggs contain vitamin A, the B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin), and vitamin D. All are necessary during childhood and adolescence for growth. Eggs also contain an abundant supply of minerals, such as iron and phosphorus, that are essential for building and maintaining strong, healthy bodies. But eggs are low in calcium (it is in the shell), and contain little or no vitamin C. Individuals on weight-reducing programs find eggs beneficial. To lose weight, calorie intake must be reduced, while maintaining a well-balanced diet. An egg provides good nutrition and contains only about 80 calories. Value of eggs Food prices continue to climb, particularly for high-protein foods, and consumers are constantly searching for ways to reduce their food bill. One way is to include more eggs in the diet. Comparing protein foods on a pound-for-pound basis, eggs cost about 95 cents a pound when large eggs are selling for 64 cents a dozen. It is difficult to purchase any other high-protein food--meat or fish--for this low price. Source: H.S. Johnson and S. F. Ridlen
雞蛋的結構? 英語回答!
蛋,又名雞卵、雞子,是母雞所產的卵,其外有一層硬殼,內則有氣室、卵白及卵黃部分,它富含各類營養,是人類常食用的食品之一。 [The editor ] The egg is constructed The egg can be divided into three parts mainly: Eggshell , albumen and yolk · (1) Eggshell: 1.完整的蛋殼呈橢圓形,約占全蛋體積的11%~11.5%。The eggshell can be divided the cover, angry room under the membrane , shell at the shell into also 2.Membrane on the shell: Namely outside the eggshell, one layer is opaque and having no membrane of structure; Function is to prevent water of the egg product from being sent and evaporated. 3.The shell puts covers: The membrane inside the eggshell, amounts to two layers; The air can pass this membrane freely . Angry room: Two layers of shells put the space during covers; If lose the moisture in the egg, the angry room will increase constantly . · (2) Albumen : ·Albumen skin half gluey material that flow inside under the shell, volume account for the whole 57% albumen - 58.5% of egg. 蛋白中約含蛋白質12%,主要是卵白蛋白。蛋白中還含有一定量的核黃素、尼克酸、生物素和鈣、磷、鐵等物質。 1.The albumen divides the thick albumen , the rare albumen again. 2.Thick albumen : Some albumens close to yolk, the thickness is relatively high. Rare albumen : Some albumens close to eggshell, the thickness is relatively rare. · (3) Yolk: The yolk is occupied in the middle of the albumen more, is brought dangerously at the two poles. 蛋黃體積約全蛋的30%~32%,主要組成物質為卵黃磷蛋白,另外脂肪含量為28.2%,脂肪多屬於磷脂類中一的卵磷脂。對人類的營養方面,蛋黃含有豐富的維生素A和維生素D,且含有較高的鐵、磷、硫和鈣等礦物質。The yolk has ovules inside. Ovule: A white point on the yolk surface, fertilized the diameter of ovule of the egg about 3 mm. , ovule of the unfertilized egg is smaller.
其他解答:The egg is a biological structure intended by nature for reproduction. It protects and provides a complete diet for the developing embryo, and serves as the principal source of food for the first few days of the chick's life. The egg is also one of the most nutritious and versatile of human foods. When the egg is freshly laid, the shell is completely filled. The air cell is formed by contraction of the contents during cooling and by the loss of moisture. A high-quality egg has only a small air cell. The yolk is well-centered in the albumen and is surrounded by the vitelline membrane, which is colorless. The germinal disc, where fertilization takes place, is attached to the yolk. On opposite sides of the yolk are two, twisted, whitish cord-like objects known as chalazae. Their function is to support the yolk in the center of the albumen. Chalazae may vary in size and density, but do not affect either cooking performance or nutritional value. A large portion of the albumen is thick. Surrounding the albumen are two shell membranes and the shell itself. The shell contains several thousand pores that permit the egg to "breathe." Composition An average-sized egg weighs approximately 57 grams (about 2 ounces). Of this weight, the shell constitutes 11 percent; the white, 58 percent; and the yolk, 31 percent. Normally, these proportions do not vary appreciably for small or large eggs. The percentage composition of the edible portions is: Percent Water Protein Fat Ash Whole egg 74 13 11 1 White 88 11 .. .. Yolk 48 17 33 1 Essential nutrients Eggs are especially valuable as a source of protein. In fact, egg protein is used as the standard against which the quality of other food proteins is measured. One egg contains about 6 to 7 grams of protein. People of all ages need adequate protein for building and repairing body tissues. The fat in the yolk is so finely emulsified that it is digested easily, even by infants. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fats is about 2 to 1. This is considered very desirable. Oleic acid is the main unsaturated fat. It has no effect on blood cholesterol. Eggs contain vitamin A, the B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin), and vitamin D. All are necessary during childhood and adolescence for growth. Eggs also contain an abundant supply of minerals, such as iron and phosphorus, that are essential for building and maintaining strong, healthy bodies. But eggs are low in calcium (it is in the shell), and contain little or no vitamin C. Individuals on weight-reducing programs find eggs beneficial. To lose weight, calorie intake must be reduced, while maintaining a well-balanced diet. An egg provides good nutrition and contains only about 80 calories. Value of eggs Food prices continue to climb, particularly for high-protein foods, and consumers are constantly searching for ways to reduce their food bill. One way is to include more eggs in the diet. Comparing protein foods on a pound-for-pound basis, eggs cost about 95 cents a pound when large eggs are selling for 64 cents a dozen. It is difficult to purchase any other high-protein food--meat or fish--for this low price. Source: H.S. Johnson and S. F. Ridlen