

英文問卷問題 請高手幫忙!!!


我而家要做一份有關credit card既問卷調查如果我想問人地收入既range係幾多可以點用英文表達?同埋係哩份問卷入面可以問人地d咩問題?


What is your age? (你老幾呀=P) Could you please estimate your annual / monthly income. (收入?) Which of the following best describes your occupation? (職業?學生?) What is your marital status? (有冇結婚?) How many credit cards from different institutions do you have? (你有幾多間銀行信用card?) Which card do you use most often (primary card)? (你主要用邊張card?) What is your current credit line (limit) on your primary card? (你張主card credit 上限幾多?) How often do you use your credit cards for purchases? (你用幾密呀?) Do you normally carry a balance on your credit cards? (你通常有冇card數係身?) How long will it take you to pay off your credit card balance? (幾時找數一次?) Do you use your credit card for Internet (on-line) purchases? (你用唔用網上付款?) How often do you use your credit card for Internet (on-line) purchases? (你用幾密呀?) What are your top 3 reasons for choosing your primary credit card? (俾3個奶油你點去揀credit card) Institution I have my other accounts with (同我一間銀行免煩) Higher Credit Limit (多啲上限) Low Interest Rate (低息) Type of Credit Card offered (Gold, Platinum, etc.) (型啲) Enhancements (frequent flyer miles, free products, etc.) (有着數) Payment Terms (付款方法正) Customer Service offered (好服務) Locations Card Accepted (其他地方都用得) Unsure (唔Q知) Other (其他奶油)


What is your monthly salary? A. less than 5000 B. 5000 - 10000 C. 1000- - 15000 ...



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