






把以下內容中文譯英文==============================================PLK83學校對屏風效應的問卷調查 對象:荃灣區市民年齡:12歲或以上 1. 你滿不滿意荃灣區的空氣質素? 滿意 不滿意 2. 你家人有沒有患有鼻敏感、哮喘、支氣管炎等呼吸道疾病? 有 沒有 3. 你有沒有聽過屏風效應? 有 沒有 4. 你是否擔心新樓愈起愈高,做成屏風效應,對社區有影響,如空氣唔夠流通? 是 否 5. 你認為誰應對屏風樓負責任? 政府 地產商 市民 保育人士 6.... 顯示更多 把以下內容中文譯英文============================================== PLK83學校對屏風效應的問卷調查 對象:荃灣區市民 年齡:12歲或以上 1. 你滿不滿意荃灣區的空氣質素? 滿意 不滿意 2. 你家人有沒有患有鼻敏感、哮喘、支氣管炎等呼吸道疾病? 有 沒有 3. 你有沒有聽過屏風效應? 有 沒有 4. 你是否擔心新樓愈起愈高,做成屏風效應,對社區有影響,如空氣唔夠流通? 是 否 5. 你認為誰應對屏風樓負責任? 政府 地產商 市民 保育人士 6. 你是否贊成政府審批興建新樓時,必須考慮屏風效應? 是 否 7. 你會不會因空氣污染問題,考慮搬離荃灣? 會 不會 完 多謝合作 更新: TO 血影教教主-莫問 [小學級 3 級] 不知所謂 To大家 唔好直接譯 要自已整理下


PLK83學校對屏風效應的問卷調查 Questionnaire Survey on Wall Effect by PLK83 School 對象:荃灣區市民 Target: Residents in Tsuen Wan District 年齡:12歲或以上 Age: 12 or above 1. 你滿不滿意荃灣區的空氣質素? 1. Are you satisfied with the air quality in Tsuen Wan District? 滿意 不滿意 Satisfied Not satisified 2. 你家人有沒有患有鼻敏感、哮喘、支氣管炎等呼吸道疾病? 2. Have you or your family members suffered from respiratory diseases such as nasal allegeries, asthma or bronchitis? 有 沒有 Yes No 3. 你有沒有聽過屏風效應? 3. Have you ever heard of the term "Wall Effect"? 有 沒有 Yes No 4. 你是否擔心新樓愈起愈高,做成屏風效應,對社區有影響,如空氣唔夠流通? 4. Do you worry that new buildings built taller and taller would give rise to wall effect that would affect the community, for example, leading to poor air ventilation? 是 否 Yes No 5. 你認為誰應對屏風樓負責任? 5. Who, in your opinion, should be responsible for wall effect brought about by buildings? 政府 地產商 市民 保育人士 The Government Real Estate Developers The Public Conservationists 6. 你是否贊成政府審批興建新樓時,必須考慮屏風效應? 6. Do you agree that when the Government vets new applications for erecting buildings, the wall effect must be taken into consideration? 是 否 Yes No 7. 你會不會因空氣污染問題,考慮搬離荃灣? 7. Would be consider moving out of Tsuen Wan District because of the air pollution problem? 會 不會 Yes No 完 多謝合作 End of Questionnaire Thank you for your cooperation


PLK83 school is to the target: Age of Quan gulf district: 12 years old or 1. Are you satisfied with the air quality of Quan gulf district? Satisfied Unsatisfied 2. Have you family suffered from such breathing problems as nose sensitivity, asthma, bronchitis,etc.? Whether have 3. Have you heard the effect of the screen? Whether have 4. Whether you are afraid the new floor arise the higher, make into the effect of the screen, influence community, such as the air enough to circulate that well? Whether 5. Who should do you think shoulder the responsibility to floor of screen? Government Real estate merchant Citizens Child care personage 6. When you agree the government examines and approves and builds the new floor, must consider the effect of the screen? Whether 7. Will you consider moving out of Quan gulf because of the air pollution question? Whether know Finish and thank cooperation|||||Questionnaire investigation of the effect of the screen of PLK83 school Target : Citizens in Quan gulf districts Age: 12 years old or more 1. Are you satisfied with the air quality of Quan gulf district? Satisfied Unsatisfied 2. Have you family suffered from such breathing problems as nose sensitivity , asthma , bronchitis ,etc.? Whether have 3. Have you heard the effect of the screen? Whether have 4. Whether you are afraid the new floor arise the higher, make into the effect of the screen , influence community, such as the air enough to circulate that well? Whether 5. Who should do you think shoulder the responsibility to floor of screen? Government Real estate merchant Citizens Child care personage 6. When you agree the government examines and approves and builds the new floor, must consider the effect of the screen? Whether 7. Will you consider moving out of Quan gulf because of the air pollution question? Whether know Finish and thank cooperation|||||PLK83 schools' questionnaires to screen effect Object:Quan gulf area citizen Age:12 years old or above 1.Are you full to be dissatisfied with Quan gulf the air quality of the area a vegetable? Be satisfied with to be dissatisfied with 2. Your family have to get nose sensitive, asthma, bronchitis etc. breath way disease? Have no 3. Did you have to once listen to a screen effect? Have no 4.You worries the new building rises more is more high, making into a screen effect, having influence to the community, if does the air Wu circulate enough? Whether 5. You think who should be responsible for the screen building? Government real estate the business' citizen raise a personage 6. Have to consider a screen effect when you approves a government to review batch to build new building? Whether 7. You can because of air pollution problem, does the consideration move to leave Quan gulf? Meeting can't The over many thanks cooperates

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