同外國人傾計時.什麼時候要用英文口語, 什麼時候要用標準的英文書面語?
禾有少少唔同既睇法. 現實生活裏面, 1/ 當你同外國人傾計, 梗係用口語 2/ 只有當你寫信/ 文件, 甚至電郵, 就用所謂標準英語. 查實禾都唔係巧明乜野叫標準英語, 但估計同廣東話既所謂 口語 同 書面語 一樣咁分, 對話中, 茅奶油用 書面語黎對話架 ? 例, 同朋友打招呼, 梗係講句 "巧耐茅見, 近排巧嘛", 而唔會同人講 "狠狗沒見面了, 近況何如". 前面既係口語, 後面一句係書面語. 至於對乜野人講乜野話, 咁, 老屎朋友屋企人之類, 梗係求其少少, 如 "禾唔係咁睇, 禾覺得你應該乜乜物物", 而對住所謂高官達人老細同多熟悉有地位有面子既大佬們, 咁梗係唔會咁講, 而會講 " 閣下既睇法見解獨特高超英明神武, 禾要再諗諗, 呀, 或者乜乜物物, 閣下大佬又會點睇, 行唔行得通呢請問" 之類, 總之俾晒面人地, 有禮, 咁就叫做 formal english .... ?? 總之, 簡而言之, 唔想俾人笑傻仔/ 香港仔/ 港式英語, 咁, 講野就用口語, 咪用書面語. 只係需要有禮, 婉轉. 其實, 做人道理芝蔴, 香港地, 講廣東話咪一樣 ~
英文口語: 1. When not in a formal meeting, venue or in front of some important people (e.g. the President). 2. When the mother tongue of the person you're speaking to is English. 3. When a stranger sits next to you and you want to start a conversation with him/her. 4. When you're in a new school and you want to talk to other students. 4. When you're confident enough. 標準的英文書面語: 1. Formal meetings and venue 2. When trying to impress your teacher / the interviewer (depending on what circumstances) 3. When talking to some important people (e.g. the Queen of England :D) You'll know when you have to use casual or formal words!|||||同外國人傾計時.什麼時候要用英文口語 When you're having conversation with a friend, a rather close friend. 什麼時候要用標準的英文書面語? When you are in a meeting or in an interview.|||||you can say anything for conversation, don't worry about grammar, you will pick up from conversation with English speaking people, but make sure their mother tongue is English.