High muscle bread flour 680 grams Ordinary bread flour 550 grams Water 350 milliliters Sugar 300 grams According to the gentleman (yeast) 3 teaspoons Soft tallow 40 grams Sugar 130 grams Water 2 soupspoon Powdered milk 1 ? soupspoon Powdered milk 30 grams Egg 2 Egg yolk 2 Fine gentleman powder (custard powder) 3 teaspoons Lard (available solid rapeseed oil replaces) 110 grams Butter 90 grams Condensed milk 1 soupspoon Evaporated milk 45 milliliter Soda powder 1 milligram (1 pitch) Smelly powder (ammonia powder) (Ammonia Bicarbonate) 1milligram (1 pitch) Facture 1. The water heating to 35 - 38 °C, joins according to the gentleman, treats 5 minutes. Joins the high muscle bread flour, the sugar, the egg, the powdered milk and the fine gentleman powder rubs uniform. Waits the pasta to rub a group, and after starting the smooth shape, spreads little the butter in the surface, then continues to rub to smoothly, approximately 10 minutes.