急!!! 翻譯成英文!!
女人街是登打士街至亞皆老街之一段通菜街的俗稱,位於油尖旺區,是旺角的一個觀 光購物地點及夜市。 七十年代香港經濟陷於低潮,不少失業人漢為了維持生計當上無牌小販, 一時間通菜街一帶成為小販集中地,那時小販們售賣的貨品以女性用品為主,因此女人街之名便不徑而走。
Ladies Street are Dundas Street to Argyle Street, a section known as the Tung Choi Street in Yau Tsim Mong, Mong Kok is a place for sightseeing and shopping and night markets. Hong Kong's economy in the 1970s in the doldrums, many unemployed Chinese people to make a living when the hawkers,All of a sudden become the vicinity of Tung Choi Street hawker concentrated areas, then the hawkers are selling goods to women-oriented products, so in the name of Ladies Drive, and will not go.
女人街是登打士街至亞皆老街之一段通菜街的俗稱,位於油尖旺區,是旺角的一個觀 光購物地點及夜市。 七十年代香港經濟陷於低潮,不少失業人漢為了維持生計當上無牌小販, 一時間通菜街一帶成為小販集中地,那時小販們售賣的貨品以女性用品為主,因此女人街之名便不徑而走。 Ladies Street is the colloquial name of a section of Tung Choi Street, between Dundas Street and Argyle Street. It is situated in Yau Tsim Mong District and it is a sightseeing spot as well as a night market in Mongkok. Hong Kong was in an economic slump in the 70s and many unemployed men became unlicensed hawkers in order to earn a living. All of a sudden, the vicinity of Tung Choi Street became a hawkers’ gathering ground. At that time, hawkers there mainly sold women’s commodities and as a result “Ladies Street” gradually became a household name. 2008-11-30 15:49:16 補充: Incidentally, I’ve just found from your track record that you’ve deleted 3 questions out of 4 you’ve asked. I don’t know why, may be you really couldn’t find a suitable answer? 2008-11-30 15:49:25 補充: But if there is a suitable answer, please don’t delete your question, or else I bet nobody will ever want to answer your question again. Alright? 2008-11-30 16:03:52 補充: Correction: Sorry, I missed the two words "購物". So, the translated sentence should be read as: "sightseeing and shopping spot as well as ...." or "sightseeing-cum-shopping spot as well as ...".|||||我做文職同個女,用咗經濟又健康既方法,改善頭痛,胃痛, 暈車浪,植物曲脹,!面色仲好過以前! 個女改善鼻敏感, 流鼻血, 暗瘡少咗, FIT咗, 讀書仲好咗,現在成康寶來既世界組 心血管及睡眠健康 飲一小杯諾貝爾醫學得主LOUIS IGNARRO 博土研發的NITEWORKS夜寧新營養飲品 助您強化心臟及血管健康, 提升睡眠質素, 調節生理機能, 提升青春活力, 從而減輕患上心臟及血管栓塞的機會, 促進身體健康, 減肥成功後養健康習慣做運動,有好睡眠,多吃蔬果喝水等, http://www.healthcometrue.com/life