冇錯,銅鑼灣消防局嘅英文係Tung Lo Wan Fire Station,想知點解,就要先知道Causeway Bay呢個名嘅來源(其實呢個名唔係用咗好耐咋). 銅鑼灣原指今為維多利亞公園的海灣及其東岸。因為該處的海岸線像一個銅鑼,因而得名。而昔日海岸線就在今日銅鑼灣道。銅鑼灣古稱鹽船灣,18世紀戴氏家族於海灣東岸建立了一座「鹽船灣紅香爐廟」,即今日的銅鑼灣天后廟。 而現時一般稱為銅鑼灣的位置,則原稱為東角,意思為維多利亞城之東的一個海角。東角的位置大約是現時維多利亞公園與波斯富街之間的地區,即東角道附近。 19世紀中期,銅鑼灣乃英資企業怡和洋行總部,當時怡和洋行在東角設置貨倉及於今糖街附近設糖廠即前香港鑄幣廠址。19世紀末,銅鑼灣興建了一條海堤,即是現今的高士威道。這亦是銅鑼灣的英文名「Causeway Bay」(海堤灣)的字源。1950年代的大型填海工程,產生了現今的維多利亞公園。 Causeway Bay or East Point is a heavily built-up area of Hong Kong, located on the northern shore of Hong Kong Island, and covering parts of Wan Chai and Eastern districts. The Chinese name is also romanized as Tung Lo Wan as in Tung Lo Wan Road (銅鑼灣道). The rent in the shopping areas of Causeway Bay is ranked the second in the world, with the Fifth Avenue (Manhattan) of the NYC being the first. Before urban development and massive land reclamation, Causeway Bay was a heavily silted bay. Its former shape can be found on maps by tracing Tung Lo Wan Road, which goes along the former bay. In the early stage of development a causeway was built, which is the present-day Causeway Road. In the 1950s, the coastline was further pushed forward when the remains of the bay was reclaimed for the Victoria Park, when the statue of Queen Victoria was brought back from Japan. The statue had been taken away during the Second World War from Statue Square at Chater Road, Central. 而”銅鑼灣火燭館”最初成立係響causeway bay出現之前,所以就沿用銅鑼灣原來嘅英文名.
你在那裡見到係譯出來呀, 我見到係 Causeway Bay Fire Station 喎!