我想知道牛頭角的 人口 , 面積 , 老人人口 可以用中文或英文回答,但最好中英對照
牛頭角位於香港觀塘區的西北部,位置為佐敦谷以南,九龍灣以東,秀茂坪以西,觀塘市中心之西北,主要為住宅區和工業區。 [編輯] 地理位置 在九龍灣未填海前,因牛頭角的海灣海岸線與一頭牛角相似,因而得名。牛頭角主要有兩座山: 佐敦谷及鱷魚山(或稱樂意山),現時約半數住宅都是座落這兩座山之上。 基本上,觀塘市中心之西北的觀塘區都算是牛頭角的一部份,包括坪石、佐敦谷及觀塘市中心以北之半山。超過210,000人在這個區域居住,是觀塘區的主要住宅區。 [編輯] 歷史 牛頭角於1950年代至1970年代以工業區為主。淘大花園原址就是當時香港最大規模的豉油生產工場及國慶酒樓。其後,牛頭角於1970年代起開始發展為住宅區,興建不少公共房屋及私人屋苑。 [編輯] 事件 [編輯] 嚴重呼吸系統綜合症 (SARS) 2003年春季,香港爆發非典型肺炎 (SARS),牛頭角成為了一個著名的地區。先是3月中,前香港特首夫人董趙洪娉在巡視牛頭角下邨期間,穿上整套防護衣服,被不少人譏笑為貪生怕死。其後於4月,淘大花園因其高密度以及設計上的關係,導致SARS嚴重爆發,尤其以E座最為嚴重。而牛頭角亦成為香港各區中感染率最高的地區。 [編輯] 煤氣爆炸 2006年4月11日發生1死8傷罕見煤氣大爆炸意外。警方、消防及煤氣公司人員接報到佐敦谷北道處理一宗沙井泄漏煤氣事件,近兩個小時後各部門正欲收隊之際,沙井附近的偉景樓大堂、牛頭角道一個空置舖位及附近一個電表房,差不多同一時間猛烈爆炸,兩聲巨響過後,偉景樓地下大堂地下被炸開一個3呎深坑洞,一名89歲老婦墮坑重創死亡,一名交通警長駕鐵馬途經時,被炸飛的捲閘擊中頭部重創,鐵馬也被氣流推翻,多名途人也被氣流及亂飛雜物擊傷,跌坐行人路上。意外現場是佐敦谷北道與牛頭角道交界。3個爆炸地點相距不遠,分別是佐敦谷北道9號的偉景樓地下大堂、牛頭角路一個空置舖位(前身為星展銀行),以及偉景樓與淘大花園K座中間的一個電表房。有學者及工程師指今次大爆炸的模式十分罕見。 Ngau Tau Kok (牛頭角, Jyutping: ngau4 tau4 gok3, Pinyin: Niútóujiǎo) is an area of Kowloon, Hong Kong, located at the northern part of Kwun Tong District, next to Kowloon Bay. It covers Jordon Valley, Ngau Tau Kok and Upper Kwun Tong Town Central. More than 210,000 in population are living in Ngau Tau Kok. It is one of the major residential areas in Kwun Tong District. [edit] Geography In Chinese, Ngau Tau Kok means ox horn. Before the reclamation of Kowloon Bay, the coastal line of Ngau Tau Kok looked like a cow horn shape, therefore there was namely Ox Horn (in Cantonese: Ngau Tau Kok). There are 2 main hills located in Ngau Tau Kok, Jordon Valley (Shum Wan Shan) and Crocodile Hill (Lok Yue Shan), around half of the resential blocks are built on the hills in Ngau Tau Kok. [edit] Features Ngau Tau Kok is a residential area as well as the by-town central of Kwun Tong District because it is just next to the Kwun Tong town central, and the development of Ngau Tau Kok is highly centralized. The areas around Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate is famous for its street food, including congee, noodles and many other traditional Cantonese cuisine. In summer, Ngau Tau Kok has many religious ceremonies to cerebrate the Yu-lan festival, a festival from chinese ghost tales. [edit] History Ngau Tau Kok has a long history of Hakka habitants. In early colonial days of Hong Kong, it is one of the four hills in Kowloon (九龍四山) in eastern Kowloon where the hills are famous for their granite. The granite stones from Ngau Tau Kok were transported to Victoria City on the Hong Kong Island over the Victoria Harbour. Some stones were even exported to Canton City. Before being a residential area, Ngau Tau Kok was an industrial area. Amoy Food manufacturing was sited in Ngau Tau Kok for manufacturing soy sauce. A reservoir, located in Jordon Valley, provided fresh water to residents in Ngau Tau Kok. The reservoir has since then been disposed and is now used as a refuse reclamation area. A battery was also found in Jordon Valley but it was removed due to the urban development project. Before the MTR Kowloon Bay Depot was built, the site was formerly the Ngau Tau Kok Industrial Estate. Wai King Building (Leftmost block) and Amoy Garden (April 2006) [edit] SARS Outbreaks During the spring of 2003, Ngau Tau Kok was one of the famous area in Hong Kong due to the SARS outbreaks. Amoy Garden (淘大花園), a high-density private housing estate, having a serious outbreaks of SARS. Most of the SARS sufferers were living in Block E of Amoy Garden. Ngau Tak Kok was also one of the highly suffered area with SARS in Hong Kong during this time. [edit] Town Gas Explosion On 11 April 2006, a fatal underground explosion was taken place in Ngau Tau Kok Road and Jordon Valley North Road, causing 2 deaths and 8 injuiries. Wai King Building (偉景樓) in Ngau Tau Kok was damaged serviously. The reason of the explosion was due to the leakage of the town gas, one of the major utility in Hong Kong, from the underground pipes.
對牛頭角區的歷史, 地理位置和人口有這麼深入的了解, 並作出概括的描述. 還援引了相關時事作為充分的理據, 值得發人深省.|||||牛頭角位於香港觀塘區的西北部,位置為九龍灣以東,秀茂坪以西,觀塘市中心之西北,主要為住宅區和工業區。 在九龍灣未填海前, 因牛頭角的海灣海岸線,與一頭牛角相似, 因而得名。牛頭角主要有兩座山: 佐敦谷及鱷魚山(或稱樂意山), 現時約半數住宅都是座落這兩座山之上。 基本上,觀塘市中心之西北的觀塘區都算是牛頭角的一部份,包括坪石、佐敦谷及觀塘市中心以北之半山。超過210,000人在這個區域居住,是觀塘區的主要住宅區。而當中有大約60%的人口是老人家(大約是126,000人) sorry!~我沒有英文介紹