我己經工作多年, 但英文仍然很差... 很想到外國進修一下... 我不知道應該從何入手? 是否透過某些機構參加好呢? thx!! 更新: EF海外彈性語言課程: http://www.ef.com.hk/master/ils/destinations/uk/activities.asp?code=LON 還是英國文化協會 好呢?
我同你既case都係差唔多 我都已經做左野一段日子想Improve自己d英文~ 我自己本身讀緊British Council.. 正準備搵agent幫我搞外國留學既野 我已經問左好多間agent.. 但係佢地解釋得好唔清唔楚. 令到我對佢地好無信心 我諗如果你想讀一年既話EF都幫到你 因為你去到果邊讀完一年覺得OK想繼續讀既話可以繼續 你今年係澳洲讀完出年又可以去英國讀... 同埋佢地學校既設施都好完善 我都正準備搵EF幫我~
我有朋友做緊教育機構架! 聽講佢個度有英文課程讀,包括你讀完之後可以到外國升學都有! 如果你想知多d資料既,可以add我架! msn:lauandrew1111@hotmail.com|||||really, what are you working on? do you happen to have any co workers or friends that are foreigners? so you can hang around with them a bit more and practice. I am not saying heading to UK isnt such a great idea, but i think there are lots to consider. your family, work and such. to make improvements on orals and grammars, you have to completely lock yourself into their world and culture. really that s the only and most effective way of learning, dwell yourself in it. you also might want to consider which type of English you want to get into, is it the American style or the Typical UK style, cause they both have different accent and also different wordings. o, there is this Geoexpat site where foreigners working or living in HK at the moment gather on this site, they have function from times to times, you can join some them and see what you think. and if u still really want to head to UK then i would suggest help from the British Council, thats where i ve found my school. surely it helps a lot. take care.